Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta conferencias. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta conferencias. Mostrar todas las entradas

27 de febrero de 2014

Announcement of Hennig XXXIII meeting, Trento, Italy. 2014

July 6 to 10, 2014

The XXXIII congress of the Willi Henning Society will be held in Trento, Italy, from the 6th to the 10th of July 2014.
The event is organized by MUSE, Science Museum of Trento, in collaboration with the FEM, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige, Trento.

Massimo Bernardi, MUSE,
Alessandro Minelli, University of Padova, and
Omar Rota-­‐Stabelli, FEM.
Visit the meeting web site with complete information.

3 de abril de 2012

Molecular Phylogenetics International Conference. Moscow

Dear colleagues!
You are welcome to participate in the III Moscow International Conference «Molecular Phylogenetics MolPhy-3», which will take place at the New School Building of Moscow State University during 31 July – 4 August 2012.

The previous Moscow conference on phylogenetics and molecular evolution, «Molecular Phylogenetics MolPhy-2» was organized at Moscow State University during 18-21 May 2010.

The conference mission is to provide a stimulating platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences in contemporary phylogenetics, molecular evolution and bioinformatics, and for developing methodology, algorithms, and applications for state-of-the-art analyses of molecular genetic data. The primary scope is in molecular phylogenetics and systematics, phyloinformatics, evolutionary genomics, reconstructing the Tree of Life, and applied phylogenetics.


18 de marzo de 2012

X Reunión Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía. Mendoza

29 al 31 de mayo 2012
Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas
Nos dirigimos a ustedes para hacerles llegar la Tercera Circular de la X Reunión Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía, que se realizará en la ciudad de Mendoza, los días 29 al 31 de mayo de 2012.
Comisión Organizadora
Sergio A. Roig Juñent
Adriana E. Marvaldi
Federico C. Ocampo
Gustavo E. Flores
Martha Cecilia Domínguez
Florencia Fernández Campón
Mariana Chani Pose
Agustina Ojeda
Claver, Silvia
Scollo, Ana María
Susana J. Lagos
Federico A. Agrain
Diego Germán San Blás
Vanina A. Pereyra
María Silvia Ferrer
Agustina Novillo
Jhon César Neita Moreno

La Comisión Organizadora los invita a visitar la página web que se pondrá en funcionamiento proximamente:
El comité Científico será conformado por la Comisión organizadora y consultores externos.
En la misma encontrarán la información actualizada sobre la Reunión.
La misma se realizará en el salón auditorio del Instituto de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, en el Parque General San Martín.
Actividades: Siguiendo el esquema de las reuniones anteriores, la X Reunión Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía constará de tres simposios, conferencias plenarias y comunicaciones libres.

Los Simposios agruparán una serie de ponencias sobre las siguientes temáticas:
Problemas Teóricos y metodológicos. Coordinado por Dr. Camilo Mattoni. Fac. Cs. Exactas y Naturales, Univ. Nac. Córdoba, Córdoba.
Problemas empíricos. Coordinado por Dra. Lone Aagesen. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. IBODA. CONICET. Buenos Aires.
Biogeografía. Coordinado por el Dr. Juan José Morrone. Museo de Zoología. Departamento de Biología Evolutiva. Facultad de Ciencias UNAM. México
Las Comunicaciones Libres podrán ser presentadas en forma oral o poster.
El envío de resúmenes se realizará a través de esta página web (modalidad on-line), hasta 20 de abril del corriente año. Al menos uno de los autores deberá estar inscripto. Los resúmenes serán sometidos a evaluación por un Comité Científico.

Futura Información
Próximamente en la página web y en la segunda circular se ampliará la información sobre:
-Listas de hoteles y promociones de alojamiento
-Lista de Conferencistas.

20 de febrero de 2012

Phyloseminar: Huelsenbeck and Höhna demonstrate RevBayes. Feb 29.

"RevBayes: An R like Environment for Bayesian phylogenetic inference"
John P. Huelsenbeck and Sebastian Höhna (UC Berkeley and Stockholm University)
connect to
Feb 29

RevBayes is a computer program that uses directed acyclic graphs
(DAG's) to specify any type of model, to hold the model and data in
memory, and to compute the likelihood of the parameters of the model.
DAG's provide a framework for the construction of modular models.
Models can easily be extended and/or parts of the model exchanged
(e.g., the substitution process and clock model) and several models
can be combined. The design of RevBayes should allow the
implementation of any extension to existing models. RevBayes is mainly
developed for Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, but it can be extended
to any inference on probabilistic models.

In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the concept of DAG's
and how they are used to construct a model. Once the model is
specified, I will show how to simulate new observations under the
model and how to estimate its parameters. I will demonstrate this in
the RevLanguage, which is an R-like language for building DAG's for
phylogenetic problems. The RevLanguage is used interactively to
specify the model, as done with R. I will show how a full phylogenetic
model is specified, step-by-step. I will mainly focus on various
standard substitution models, relaxed clock models, and divergence
times priors. Specifically, I will show a new birth-death model with
speciation and extinction rates varying over time and use this in a
integrative analysis. In the integrative analysis I condition only on
the alignment (only the alignment is considered to be known) and
estimate the tree and divergence times simultaneously as well as the
speciation and extinction rates.

22 de noviembre de 2011

VII Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva, Portugal

O VII Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva terá lugar no dia 21 de Dezembro de 2011, no Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra, e com o apoio do Museu da Ciência e do CIBIO.

No decorrer do VII Encontro será formalmente constituída a Sociedade Portuguesa de Biologia Evolutiva.

Leer más >>>

26 de julio de 2011

I Congreso Ibérico de Sistemática Animal. Madrid

La Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) organizan un foro de intercambio científico de sistemática y evolución animal para la presentación y discusión de resultados científicos. El I Congreso de Sistemática Animal, tendrá lugar en el campus de la UAM, Cantoblanco, Madrid, durante los días 17 al 19 de Enero de 2012. La conferencia consta de simposios con temática
concreta y sesiones abiertas.

  • Relaciones Evolutivas de Animales
  • Biogeografía y Filogeografía
  • Taxonomía integratica y código de barras
  • Filogenómica
  • Evolución de planes morfológicos y desarrollo
  • Biodiversidad y Conservación
  • Aproximaciones filogenéticas a la Ecología

Más información:
Sitio web
Boletín de Preinscripción (


13 de junio de 2011

"Fungal phylogenomics: Getting lost in the moldy forest." on

Jason Stajich speaks Wednesday, June 29th at noon PST on "Fungal phylogenomics: Getting lost in the moldy forest."

Fungi occupy diverse ecological niches in roles from nutrient cycling in rainforest floors to aggressive plant and animal pathogens. Molecular phylogenetics has helped resolve many of branches on the Fungal tree of life and enabling studies of evolution across this diverse kingdom. The genome sequences from hundreds of fungi now permit the study of change in genes and gene content in this phylogenetic context and to connect molecular evolution with adaptation to ecological niches or changes in lifestyles. I will describe our work in studies contrasting pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi and efforts to unravel the evolution of multicellularity in fungi comparing unicellular basal fungi with multicellular mushrooms and molds.

The development of tools for data mining and use of fungal genomics is also driving the pace of molecular biology and genetics of fungi. I will highlight new approaches to make this easier and the ways data integration can inform and transform studies of functional biology of fungi.

29 de abril de 2011

Biennial conference of the Systematics Association, Belfast

8th Biennial Meeting: July 2011
Queen's University, Belfast

4th - 8th July 2011


The Biennial conferences of the Systematics Association provide a forum for systematists from different disciplines to present and discuss their research. The Sixth Biennial Conference was held at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in August 2007. The conference was attended by about 240 delegates from a broad international audience. The format was a mixture of open sessions and focussed thematic symposia.


22 de abril de 2011

Botany 2011

The Botany 2011 conference web site is now open for registration, including field trips, banquets and other social events, and housing:

8 de marzo de 2011

"Making comparative methods as easy as ABC" on

Brian O'Meara


Brian O'Meara speaks Wednesday, March 30th at 11am PST on "Making comparative methods as easy as ABC"

For decades, biologists have addressed evolutionary and ecological questions using measurements of species traits, phylogenies, and an assortment of comparative methods. Unfortunately, while there is a large assortment of these methods, they are still fairly limited and development of new methods is slow. It took seven years between the introduction of using a simple Brownian motion model for looking at trait evolution (Felsenstein, 1985) and the use of this same model for looking at rates of trait evolution (Garland, 1992), and an additional 14 years to more powerful tests using a small modification of the basic model (O'Meara et al., 2006). Still other promising methods are described and even tested but remain unavailable to empiricists because they are not put into software. As a result, the questions empiricists can ask about the world are limited by the research productivity of the few dozen scientists who develop and implement new methods in phylogenetics. We describe a new approach based on Approximate Bayesian Computation and implemented in R that will allow researchers to easily develop their own models for trait evolution without requiring them to have specialized mathematical or computational knowledge.

14 de septiembre de 2010

5th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society. Greece

El registro para la 5a Conferencia de la International Biogeography Society esta abierto.
Lugar: Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Fecha: 7-11 Enero, 2011.

Información sobre esta reunión: sitio web

27 de agosto de 2010

The Annual New Zealand Phylogenetics Meeting

Leigh 2011


The Annual New Zealand Phylogenetics Meeting

Sunday 6th - Friday 11th February, 2011


cafeThe 15th annual New Zealand meeting on the interface of mathematics and biology in the study of phylogeny, genome analysis and molecular evolution will be held at Leigh. It will be summer in New Zealand, so expect temperatures in the mid-20s to 30s Celsius. There's heaps to do, including diving and fishing. More information on the Leigh By The Sea website.

The meeting will be held at the The Leigh Sawmill Café.


Frontiers in Biodiversity: a Phylogenetic Perspective

A two-day international symposium on frontier biodiversity research in a phylogenetic framework
Barcelona, Spain, October 1st and 2nd, 2010.
You are kindly invited to attend the international symposium “Frontiers in Biodiversity: a Phylogenetic Perspective”, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, the 1st and 2nd of October 2010. This symposium is co-organized by the Biodiversity Research Institute of the University of Barcelona (IrBio), the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF) and the Zoological Systematics and Evolution research group on the occasion of the International year of Biodiversity.


9 de julio de 2010

Philippe Lemey speaks Friday July 16 at noon PDT in

Hello phyloseminar-interested folk:

We are very excited to have Philippe Lemey presenting on Friday July
16 at noon PDT concerning

"Phylogenetic diffusion models and their applications in viral epidemiology"

Emerging infectious diseases continue to appear all over the world,
and importantly, they have also risen significantly over time after.
Having the potential to quickly adapt to new hosts and environments,
RNA viruses are prime candidates to emerge as global threats to human
health. Their rapid rate of evolution, however, also turns viral
genomes into valuable resources to reconstruct the spatial and
temporal processes that are shaping epidemic or endemic dynamics. In
this seminar, I will highlight recent developments in phylogenetic
diffusion models that tie together sequence evolution and geographic
history in a coherent statistical framework. Both discrete and
continuous phylogeographic models have recently been implemented in a
Bayesian statistical approach. I will position this approach among
other popular phylogeographic methods, and then focus on applications
in viral molecular epidemiology to demonstrate their use. Finally, I
will hint at future extensions that may provide entirely new
opportunities for phylogeographic hypothesis testing.



To attend this and other talks, learn how to connect ahead of time.

If you can't make it, don't fret-- you can always watch the recording.

15 de junio de 2010

iEvoBio Conference

iEvoBio: Home

iEvoBio: Informatics for Phyogenetics, Evolution, and Biodiversity  Conference - June 29-30, 2010 - Oregon Convention Center _ Portland,  Oregon, USA. Featuring: Visualization Challenge Hipsibius dujardini DNA  alignment Featuring:  Visualization Challenge water striders Land Iguana Oregon Convention Center

About the Conference

iEvoBio aims to be a forum bringing together biologists working in evolution, systematics, and biodiversity, with software developers, and mathematicians, both to catalyse the development of new tools, and to increase awareness of the possibilities offered by existing technologies (ranging from standards and reusable toolkits to mega-scale data analysis to rich visualization). The meeting extends over two full days and will feature traditional elements, including a keynote presentation at the beginning of each day and contributed talks, as well as more dynamic and interactive elements, including a challenge, lightning talk-style sessions, a software bazaar, and Birds-of-a-Feather gatherings.
iEvoBio is being held jointly with the Evolution Meetings as a satellite conference, for the first time in 2010 in Portland, OR. In 2010, iEvoBio overlaps with the last day of the Evolution Meetings and extends one day longer. The satellite conference is expected to become a self-sustained annual event that remains affiliated with the Evolution Meetings.


10 de mayo de 2010

PhyloSeminar anuncia: Philippe Lemey speaking on Phylogenetic diffusion models

The next speaker will be Philippe Lemey speaking Friday, July 16
at noon PDT on "Phylogenetic diffusion models and their applications
in viral epidemiology."

Emerging infectious diseases continue to appear all over the world,
and importantly, they have also risen significantly over time after.
Having the potential to quickly adapt to new hosts and environments,
RNA viruses are prime candidates to emerge as global threats to human
health. Their rapid rate of evolution, however, also turns viral
genomes into valuable resources to reconstruct the spatial and
temporal processes that are shaping epidemic or endemic dynamics. In
this seminar, I will highlight recent developments in phylogenetic
diffusion models that tie together sequence evolution and geographic
history in a coherent statistical framework. Both discrete and
continuous phylogeographic models have recently been implemented in a
Bayesian statistical approach. I will position this approach among
other popular phylogeographic methods, and then focus on applications
in viral molecular epidemiology to demonstrate their use. Finally, I
will hint at future extensions that may provide entirely new
opportunities for phylogeographic hypothesis testing.

I hope you will be able to attend this exciting talk.

To attend this and other talks, learn how to connect ahead of time, and join the email list by sending an email to
If you can't make it, don't fret-- you can always watch the recording.



14 de abril de 2010

IX Reunion Argentina de Cladistica y Biogeografía, Ciudad de La Plata

IX Reunión Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía
15 al 17 de noviembre 2010 La Plata-Buenos Aires
La Plata-Buenos Aires
15 al 17 de noviembre 2010
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - UNLP
Nos dirigimos a ustedes para hacerles llegar la Segunda Circular de la IX Reunión
Argentina de Cladística y Biogeografía, que se realizará en la localidad de La
Plata, Buenos Aires, los días 15 al 17 de noviembre de 2010.
La Comisión Organizadora los invita a visitar la página web:
En la misma encontrarán la información actualizada sobre la Reunión.
La Reunión tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM) de la
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, con sedes en el edificio de la avenida 60 y 122 y en
el Museo de La Plata situado en el Paseo del Bosque s/n, La Plata, Buenos Aires,
Se organizan conferencias, simposios, comunicaciones libres y taller pos-reunión.
Programa preliminar
Las Conferencias plenarias estarán a cargo de:
-Dr. Jorge V. Crisci, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP, Argentina.
-Dr. Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard University, USA,
-Dr. Miguel Angel Arnedo, Universidad de Barcelona, España

Los Simposios agruparán una serie de ponencias sobre las siguientes temáticas:
  • Problemas metodológicos Coordinador: Dr. Pablo Goloboff (CONICET, UN de Tucumán)
  • Problemas empíricos Coordinador: Dra. Adriana Marvaldi (CONICET, IADIZA-CRICYT, Mendoza)
  • Biogeografía Coordinador: Dr. Sergio Roig (CONICET, IADIZACRICYT, Mendoza)
Las Comunicaciones Libres podrán ser presentadas en forma oral o poster y serán
sometidos a evaluación por un Comité Científico.
El envío de resúmenes se realizará a través de esta página web (modalidad on-line),
entre el 1 de junio y el 31 de agosto del corriente. Al menos uno de los autores deberá
estar inscripto.
Las indicaciones sobre el formato de los resúmenes se brindarán en la próxima
Se realizará a través de la página web de la Reunión ( )
a partir del 1º de junio.
Montos de inscripción
Profesionales $300, Hasta el 31 de agosto de 2010 $400, Desde 1 de septiembre de 2010
Estudiantes de grado $150 $200
Formas de Pago
El abono de la inscripción podrá realizarse a partir de 1º de junio a través de:
- Depósito a la Cuenta Corriente BBVA Banco Francés Denominación: Fundación
Museo de La Plata “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”
Nº de Cuenta: 300379/6
Sucursal: 093 (Calle 47 nº 641, La Plata)
CBU: 0170093020000030037960
CUIT: 30-62526995-0
Para acreditar el pago, una vez realizado el depósito bancario, se debe escribir a la
dirección de correo electrónico:, consignando los
siguientes datos: Apellido y nombres del inscripto, monto depositado, fecha del
depósito, nº de comprobante, banco y sucursal. Junto con este aviso adjuntar una
copia de la boleta de depósito.

- Mediante efectivo, tarjeta de crédito (Visa o Mastercard) o cheque (a nombre
de Fundación Museo de La Plata “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”) en la Secretaría de la
Fundación Museo de La Plata “Francisco Pascasio Moreno”, Museo de La Plata, en el
horario de lunes a viernes de 9 a 13 hs.
Contactos e Información
Para mayor información, consultas o sugerencias escribir a través del link “contacto”
de la página web de la Reunión.
Próximamente en la página web y en la tercera circular se ampliará la información
-cronograma de actividades
-formato para el envío de resúmenes
-listas de hoteles y promociones de alojamiento
Le agradeceremos que difunda este documento entre sus colegas.

20 de marzo de 2010

Marzo 29 en PhyloSeminar: Probabilistic analysis of gene families with respect with gene duplication, gene loss, and lateral gene transfer

On March 29th, will present Jens Lagergren speaking
on "Probabilistic analysis of gene families with respect with gene
duplication, gene loss, and lateral gene transfer."
NOTE: the seminar will begin at 10h PST, which is three hours earlier
than the previous seminars.

Incongruences between gene trees and corresponding species trees are
common. Gene duplication, gene loss, and lateral gene transfer are
three types of evolutionary events that can cause such incongruences.
I will first describe a probabilistic process that contains standard
models of nucleotide substitutions (i.e., such that underly
probabilistic methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction) as well as
gene duplication and gene loss. This process takes place in a given
species tree and can be used to reconstruct a gene tree for a gene
family of interest and simultaneously reconcile the gene tree with the
species tree. I will describe the algorithms available for this model
and also describe how they perform on biological data compared to
competing methods. Finally, I will describe an extension of this model
that also contains lateral gene transfer and show how it performs on
synthetic data.

Hope to see you there!

Erick Matsen

24 de febrero de 2010

Hoy en PhyloSeminar: Consistency properties of species tree inference algorithms under the multispecies coalescent

Noah Rosenberg
February 24th, 13h PST
Noah Rosenberg speaks Feb. 24th
The topologies of gene trees that evolve along the branches of a
species tree need not match the species tree topology. As a result of
this discordance, when gene tree evolution is assumed to follow a
"multispecies coalescent" model, simple phylogenetic algorithms can
exhibit peculiar statistical inconsistencies in inferring species
trees. This talk will examine the statistical consistency under the
multispecies coalescent of several algorithms - based on consensus
trees, ranked gene trees, and the "minimize deep coalescences"
algorithm. A summary will be presented of the known consistency
properties of the various algorithms.

17 de enero de 2010

Next on The End of Lineage Sorting: Inferring species trees using *BEAST

Hello everyone!

I'm excited to announce that Joseph Heled will be speaking in a bit less than a week about his joint work with Alexei Drummond on lineage sorting. In addition to a usual talk, he will also be giving a little software demonstration. His abstract is below.

After Joseph will come Noah Rosenberg, who will be speaking in late February (probably the 24th), then Jens Lagergren in late March.

The End of Lineage Sorting: Inferring species trees using *BEAST

Until recently it has been common practice for a phylogenetic analysis to use a single gene sequence from a single individual organism as a proxy for an entire species. With advances in sequenceing technology it is becoming more common to see data sets containing multiple genes from multiple individuals per species. The "simple" way of analyzing those data sets by concatenating sequences from an individual is problematic when species have only recently diverged. In this talk we explain the problem of Incomplete Lineage Sorting, the gene trees within species tree model, the theoretical basis of the multi species coalescent and how to analyze those data sets using *BEAST, a method for species tree inference made available in BEAST 1.5.

Thanks, and pass the word onto your species-tree-interested friends!


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