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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta biogeografia. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de enero de 2012

6th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society. 2013

First announcement

Registration, abstract submission for symposia and contributed papers will open in July 2012.

The core of the meeting will be four successive symposia on broad foundational and cutting-edge topics and approaches in biogeography and macroecology, each with a suite of leading international scientists as well as openings for contributed papers.
- Beyond Bergmann: New perspectives on the biogeography of traits
- Island Biogeography: new syntheses
- Predicting species and biodiversity in a warmer world: are we doing a good job?
- Conservation paleobiology: using knowledge of past ecosystems to inform conservation priorities

The meeting also has 12 sessions of contributed papers on key topics including and not limited to: (i) Neotropical biogeography, (ii) Climate change biogeography, (iii) Paleo-biogeography, (iv) Phylogeography, (v) Marine biogeography (vi) Disturbance regimes and biogeography, and (vii) Global biogeography


14 de septiembre de 2010

5th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society. Greece

El registro para la 5a Conferencia de la International Biogeography Society esta abierto.
Lugar: Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Fecha: 7-11 Enero, 2011.

Información sobre esta reunión: sitio web

13 de julio de 2010

Nuevo blog de Cladistica y Biogeografia

He recibido noticia del lanzamiento en linea de un nuevo blog relacionado con Filogenia y Biogeografia:

Bienvenido a la blogosfera! Estaremos pendientes de este foro y le deseamos larga vida.

27 de agosto de 2008

Conferencia Internacional de Biogeografia en Mexico

The Fourth Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society

The meeting will take place January 8-12, 2009 in Mérida, México.

Invited symposia will feature talks on the biogeography of disease, patterns and processes in biotic interchanges, disjunct distributions in Asia and America, and the biogeography of species extinction.

Attendees are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The conference will also include workshops, field excursions, and social events.

Registration, contact, and additional information may be found at:

26 de agosto de 2008

Cambio climático y Sistemática

Climate Change and Systematics

3 day meeting
1st to 3rd of September 2008

A meeting organised by the Department of Botany, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

This meeting, organised on behalf of the Systematics Association and the Linnean Society, will provide a forum for systematists to present and discuss their research as it relates to the critical issue of Global Climate Change. The conference is open to everyone, whatever their chosen discipline within systematics.

This meeting will examine the problems posed by Global Climate Change and will centre on three themes: 1. Climate change and speciation/extinction; 2. Climate change and biogeography; 3. Climate change: documenting and conserving biodiversity.

We feel this meeting is timely because of interest in this topic at all levels in society, especially governmental. For example, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment states that 'By the end of the twenty-first century, climate change and its impacts may be the dominant direct driver of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services globally' and 'Historically, habitat and land use change have had the biggest impact on biodiversity across biomes. Climate change is projected to increasingly affect all aspects of biodiversity, from individual organisms, through populations and species, to ecosystem composition and function'. The most recent IPCC report this year also highlights these issues. Therefore, global climate change needs to be addressed holistically by the systematics community.

Certainly the changes in the density and location of the World's biodiversity are likely to have impacts on speciation/extinction rates and on the ability of systematits to delimit, through Monographs, Faunas and Floras, the World's biodiversity.

Additional Information

More Information

10 de junio de 2008

Biogeografía Histórica

"Though biogeography may be simply defined--the study of the geographic distributions of organisms--the subject itself is extraordinarily complex, involving a range of scientific disciplines and a bewildering diversity of approaches. For convenience, biogeographers have recognized two research traditions: ecological biogeography and historical biogeography.

This book makes sense of the profound revolution that historical biogeography has undergone in the last two decades, and of the resulting confusion over its foundations, basic concepts, methods, and relationships to other disciplines of comparative biology. Using case studies, the authors explain and illustrate the fundamentals and the most frequently used methods of this discipline. They show the reader how to tell when a historical biogeographic approach is called for, how to decide what kind of data to collect, how to choose the best method for the problem at hand, how to perform the necessary calculations, how to choose and apply a computer program, and how to interpret results.

Text provides an overview of the revolution that historical biogeography has undergone in the last two decades, and of the resulting confusion over its foundations, basic concepts, methods, and relationships to other disciplines of comparative biology. Overviews fundamentals of frequently used methods of historical biogeography. For researchers and students of biology."

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