You can download "jt4tnt.class" at the following URL: note that “jt4tnt.class” is a java tool, thus it is platform independent. This program requires Java 6 or later (Java 1.6). Runs from your system command window writing a command line with several expressions separated by a space.
As an example, the following command line will read 300 configurations in a tps file “my300configs.tps”, will calculate means for 10 groups according to the labels in “membership10spp.txt”, and will write these in the output file “my10spp.txt” with all necessary TNT commands:
>java jt4tnt -i my300configs.tps -o my10spp.txt -m membership10spp.txThere is more info on examples, input data file formats, membership list file, and output files in the website.
I guess you can cite this tool as:
Sandria, J. & E. De Luna. LMs4TNT, Java tool to convert xy coordinates to a TNT data block. jt4tnt v1.0, jan/21/2016. url: (date accessed: xxxxxxx).