Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Hennig meetings. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Hennig meetings. Mostrar todas las entradas

18 de septiembre de 2015

WHS Hennig XXXV será en Buenos Aires, 2016

La reunión de la Willy Hennig Society para el 2016 será en Buenos Aires!

Los que recibieron su ejemplar impreso de Cladistics 31 #4 encontrarán en el interior de la contraportada un mensaje impreso con esta información: "Henning XXXV will be held in Buenos Aires in October 2016".

4 de marzo de 2015

Hennig meeting XXXIV in New York, June 28 - July 2, 2015

Please join us for
Hennig XXXIV
June 28 - July 2, 2015
The New York Botanical Garden and Fordham University. The scientific program will include symposia, contributed papers, and posters. Social activities will include a welcome reception, poster presentation reception, coffee breaks, pre-banquet mixer, and optional ticketed banquet.

Scientific and Social Programs Overview

Information here

27 de febrero de 2014

Announcement of Hennig XXXIII meeting, Trento, Italy. 2014

July 6 to 10, 2014

The XXXIII congress of the Willi Henning Society will be held in Trento, Italy, from the 6th to the 10th of July 2014.
The event is organized by MUSE, Science Museum of Trento, in collaboration with the FEM, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige, Trento.

Massimo Bernardi, MUSE,
Alessandro Minelli, University of Padova, and
Omar Rota-­‐Stabelli, FEM.
Visit the meeting web site with complete information.

8 de agosto de 2013

Sandra Ospina gana el premio DON ROSEN Award en la reunión XXXII de la WHS

Sandra Ospina ha ganado el premio DON ROSEN AWARD en la reunión XXXII de la Willi Hennig Society en Rostock, Alemania. Este premio se otorga al mejor póster presentado por estudiantes.

El titulo del póster que presentó Sandra en la reunión es: "Evolution of cranial shape and diet in species of Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) as inferred with comparative and phylogenetic analyses of geometric morphometric data".

Sandra estudió Biología en la Universidad de Antioquía, Colombia. Luego obtuvo su Maestría en la UNAM, México DF, donde actualmente estudia su Doctorado. En los últmos años ha estado trabajando su proyecto de morfometria y filogenia en el Laboratorio de Morfometría del INECOL, en Xalapa, en colaboración con el Dr. Efrain De Luna.

Sandra, Mary y Steve. Reuníón XXXII de la WHS, Rostock, Agosto 2013

7 de agosto de 2013

Concluyó la reunión de la WHS en Rostock

The close of the meeting: the organizing team. Another great meeting in the books, and see everybody next year in Trento!

FROM: JM Carpenter HERE

17 de marzo de 2011

Reunión anual de la WHS en Brasil, 2011

La Willi Hennig Society ha anunciado la organización de la reunión

Hennig XXX

July 29 to August 2, 2011

São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, BRAZIL

Co-organizadores: Dalton de Souza Amorim and Fernando Barbosa Noll
Patrocinadores: Universidade de São Paulo and UNESP-São José do Rio Preto.

Detalles: sitio web de la WHS

25 de mayo de 2010

Inició la Reunion WHS XXIX

Computer cladistics / ¡Cladística a la lata!: Hennig XXIX – Día 1 (23 mayo 2010)

Ayer fue el primer día de presentaciones del Hennig Meeting. He aquí una pequeña reseña de las diferentes presentaciones.

Primero Clifford Morden, Mark Siddall y Jyrki Mouna dieron la bienvenida, Clifford menciono un poco sobre la planta que aparece en el logo del meeting, que es una planta famosa del ecosistema hawaiano. No recuerdo si es Cyrtandra, pero bueno. Luego se dio paso a las presentaciones ya de los papers.

Pei-Luen Lu hablo sobre Dracaena y Pleomele, una grupo de plantas tropicales con una taxonomía bien confusa, su análisis fue bien molecular. Shaena Montanari hablo sobre la filog de los Anguimorfos, un grupo de lagartos que incluye a los Monitores, el mounstro del gila, los extintos Mosasaurios y un montón de lagartillos. Me pareció bien interesante que con su análisis de evidencia completa, si solo se usan los actuales, la topología preferida es la tradicional, pero al incluír los fosiles (que no tienen ADN) el resultado se parece más a los sugeridos inicialmente con moleculas!


6 de enero de 2010

The Willi Hennig Society meeting 2010

The Willi Hennig Society
Hennig XXIX

May 22 to 26, 2010

Hosted by: The University of Hawaii - Manoa; Cliff Morden and his local organizing committee.

Hotel Information
Arrival Information
Registration & Abstract Submission
Marie Stopes Travel Awards
About Honolulu and Waikiki

Visit the WHS website at:

25 de enero de 2009

Hennig meeting 2009

Singapore Botanic Gardens
June 22-26, 2009

The meeting will be hosted by the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Botanic Gardens (National Parks Board).

Final deadline for pre-registration is April 22, 2009.
Walk-on Registration will be $250 (regular or student) or $300 for non-members.

Currently four symposia have been scheduled:

  • (1) Use of EST libraries for phylogeny reconstruction;
  • (2) Phylogenetic approaches to public and environmental health;
  • (3) Taxonomy in the 21st century: new tools and dissemination media;
  • (4) Southeast Asian biogeography and speciation.


Please contact Rudolf Meier (, Benito Tan (, or Ngan Kee Ng( for further information and/or if you are interested in proposing additional symposia.

Hennig meeting 2009 web site

18 de septiembre de 2008

XXVII International Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society

The meeting is getting closer!

Some people asked about flights to Tucumán… and yes, it is a pain in the neck, as we the locals verify every time we have to attend a meeting anywhere else. This time it's your turn! One of the good offers to fly to Tucumán is with a new company, Andes Líneas Aereas, whose web page is at

We still don't have the final program (the deadline for reception of abstracts was extended, at the request of many people, and we are still receiving abstracts), but we do know some details…

The meeting will be starting in the morning of the 28th, at the Hotel Sol ( All the talks, and the banquet (night of the 30th) will be held at the Hotel Sol. The Hotel Sol is up in the hill, west of the city of San Miguel de Tucumán. We will try to be at the airport for incoming flights, but just in case you're on your own, you can tell the taxi driver to go to the "Hotel Sol, Cerro San Javier". See map below.

The only other venue is going to be the Instituto Lillo (adress: Miguel Lillo 205, it's near the "Abasto" –the neighborhood is known by that name because the "Abasto" market used to be there). We will have a reception there the day before the meeting (as usual for Hennig meetings), that is, the evening of the 27th, and begin with registrations. At the Instituto Lillo, registration will start from 5pm, the reception will start after 6:30pm, of Monday October 27th.

If you have not yet registered for the Hotel, you should. The hotel is a lovely place, and it is not expensive. It is not very big, so we may run out of rooms. They have been holding some rooms for us, but they won't hold them for much longer. Don't risk missing it! If no more rooms are available when you try to book, and you have to get a room down town (and the "down" here is quite literal), we will be providing transportation to the Hotel everyday, with a bus which will fit about 40 people. Otherwise, you can just take a taxi (from the center, it's about 20 dollars, so that splitting among three people should be rather cheap).

12 de enero de 2007

XXVI Reunión de la Soc. Willi Hennig

XXVI Reunión de la Soc. Willi Hennig
Junio 28 al 2 de Julio, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana
Registration, Abstracts, Hotels

Siguiente reunión: XXVII 2008 cerca de San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina!

15 de mayo de 2006

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