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- Curso de Filogenia y Morfometría Geométrica en Barcelona
- Reunión Argentina de Cladistica en Tucumán, 2019
- Curso de Análisis filogenéticos con R - del 3 al 7 de Septiembre, 2018 Barcelona.
- El artículo en Cladistics que no leerán los que hacen verosimilitud y probs Bayesianas
- Que buen sentido de humor tenemos los taxónomos
5 de febrero de 2015
Two Postdoc Positions Available for computational phylogenetics and molecular evolution
Two postdoctoral researcher positions are available in the computational evolutionary biology lab of Jeremy M. Brown at Louisiana State University. Research in the Brown lab is broadly centered on the use of phylogenetic approaches to understand organismal history and molecular evolution.
Position 1 is part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation to develop and apply a suite of related statistical approaches for assessing the fit of stochastic models to sequence and trait data. The Brown lab is collaborating extensively on this project with the lab of Bob Thomson at the University of Hawaii – Manoa, as well as the developers of RevBayes and the authors of various R packages.
Position 2 is not tied to a specific project, but research connected to other areas of active inquiry in the Brown lab will be strongly preferred. These areas include the development of new techniques for extracting information from large collections of phylogenetic trees, the exploration of new models and priors for Bayesian phylogenetics, and the investigation of genome-wide phylogenetic and evolutionary patterns.
15 de septiembre de 2010
Postdoc – Plant Phylogenomics – University of Arizona
The position is in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, with a starting salary of $45,000/yr, including full benefits. It is potentially renewable for up to 3 years. Computational resources in my lab include a high performance computing cluster, web servers, database storage server, a viz wall for scientific visualization, and dedicated system administration support. The Department has a strong program in evolutionary genomics, including an ongoing NSF IGERT training program, and a number of faculty working in that area: Jeremiah Hackett, Matt Sullivan, Michael Nachman, Noah Whiteman, Mike Worobey and Mike Barker (joining January 2011).
The position is open until filled and is available immediately. Please send a CV and a brief statement of research interests and experience to me at the address below, and arrange to have two letters of reference sent (e-mail is fine). A formal application will also be required through the university’s HR website ( For further information, please contact
Mike Sanderson, Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
sanderm [at] email.arizona [.] edu
13 de mayo de 2010
Becas disponibles mediante el programa CNPq (Brasil) + TWAS 2010
Young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) are invited to apply to the 2010 CNPq- TWAS Fellowships programmes.
The fellowships offered by the CNPq-TWAS Fellowships programmes allow scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) to study or to do research in natural sciences in Brazil and then to return home to continue their careers.
The 2010 CNPq-TWAS Fellowships programmes offer the following types of fellowships:
- Full-time postgraduate/doctorate fellowships: The CNPq-TWAS Postgraduate Fellowships are tenable at research institutions in Brazil for a period of up to 48 months and are awarded to students from developing countries (other than Brazil) to enable them to pursue studies leading towards a PhD degree in the natural sciences.
- Sandwich postgraduate/doctorate fellowships: The TWAS-CNPq Sandwich Postgraduate Fellowships are tenable at research institutions in Brazil for a period of a minimum duration of 6 months, renewable for up to a maximum of 12 months, and are awarded to students from developing countries (other than Brazil) to enable them to develop part of their PhD course in the natural sciences in Brazil. Under the sandwich programme, applicants must be registered for a PhD degree in their home country.
- Postdoctoral fellowships: The TWAS-CNPq Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable at research institutions in Brazil for a minimum period of 6 months to a maximum period of 12 months. They are awarded to scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) to enable them to pursue postdoctoral research in the natural sciences.
13 de noviembre de 2009
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Biodiversity of Madagascar
November 12, 2009
Postdoctoral Fellowship
This position is a two year appointment starting approximately July 1, 2010, involving both research in our molecular genetic laboratory and in situ field work focused on the biodiversity of Madagascar, including lemurs, carnivores, geckos, chameleons, boas, turtles and tortoises populations endemic to the island.
The scientist will employ molecular genetic techniques in the laboratory to generate species-specific microsatellites, multi-locus genotypes and DNA sequence files. The incumbent will also be responsible to apply advanced statistical methods, computer science skills and bioinformatics principles to highlight the dynamics of population genetics and systematics. The candidate’s ability for independent and critical thinking and excellent English writing skills will be vital in the writing of grants and publishable manuscripts. Excellent interpersonal skills will be key, especially in relation to our cross-cultural field research teams in Madagascar.
Excellent opportunity available for a motivated and experienced Ph.D. in the genetics, molecular biology, or cell biology fields, with a strong publication record and outstanding professional references. Emphasis in conservation science or informatics experience is a plus. Qualified candidates must show proficiency in molecular genetic techniques and computer skills capable to generate necessary data and to perform genotype and sequence analysis. The position will require attention to detail, good communication skills, strong skills in experimental design and troubleshooting, an ability to work independently and as part of a team, and dedication to doing the best job possible.
Read more >>>
26 de octubre de 2009
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Vertebrate Evolution - University of Arizona
University of Arizona
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology announces one
postdoctoral fellowship position for Fall 2010, named in honor of G. G.
Simpson's long tenure at the University of Arizona.
Simpson Fellows are expected to conduct an active research program in evolutionary biology,
especially projects that are facilitated and complemented by the
Department's extensive natural history collections in ichthyology,
herpetology, ornithology, and mammalogy. The positions are part of a
renewed commitment to natural history collections on the University of
Arizona campus and an initiative in biodiversity informatics
( Postdoctoral Fellows are
encouraged to establish research collaborations with faculty in the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and are expected to teach
or contribute to one course per year in the Fellow's research specialty.
Salary is $37,500 plus benefits (nine-month appointment). A research
stipend of $5000 will also be included. The positions are renewable for
at least a second year contingent on satisfactory performance.
Applicants should submit application materials online at the University
of Arizona Human Resources website (; look
for job #44102), including C.V., statement of research and teaching
interests and experience, and two letters of reference. Reference
letters should be emailed directly to
Position is open until filled, but we anticipate reviewing applications
beginning on Jan. 15, 2010.
Contact Dr. Peter Reinthal (,
Dr. Renee Duckworth (,or
Dr. Michael Sanderson ( for further information.
18 de octubre de 2009
Genomic basis of adaptation and speciation in Senecio
Applications are invited for a three-year postdoctoral position on a NERC-funded project, Genomic basis of adaptation and speciation in Senecio, led by Dr Dmitry Filatov, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford. This project is devoted to a genome-wide analysis of molecular bases of speciation and adaptation in plant genus Senecio. In collaboration with Professor Hiscock’s laboratory in Bristol (UK) we will conduct functional and evolutionary genetic analyses of coding and regulatory regions in Senecio genome in order to study their evolution during adaptation to contrasting environments of high and low altitudes. The research will involve high throughput DNA pyrosequencing from three Senecio species and population genetic and evolutionary genomic analyses of these sequences.
Further particulars of the post are available at It is anticipated that the successful candidate will begin on 1 February 2010 or soon thereafter and should hold a PhD or equivalent in a relevant discipline.
For more details of the Filatov laboratory see:
Applications, including application form, full curriculum vitae, the names and contact details of two referees, and clearly quoting reference AP09014 should be sent to the Departmental Administrator, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB or by email to recruit [at] [.] uk. The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday 19 November 2009.
6 de mayo de 2009
Plaza de postdoctorado en entomologia
A los interesados en ocupar una plaza de postdoctorado en entomologia, por
un periodo de dos años (disponible a partir de Agosto, 2009) en el
departamento de Virologia e Inmunologia del Southwest Foundation for
Biomedical Research, favor de comunicarse con el Dr. Javier Mota Snchez al
correo electronico o al telfono (210) 290-8271 en San Antonio
Tx, USA.
Es deseable, pero no indispensable, que los interesados tengan experiencia
trabajando con Aedes aegypti y/o dengue.
13 de abril de 2009
Convocatoria para cubrir estancia posdoctoral en sistematica de la Flora Vascular. Mexico
Para ocupar una estancia posdoctoral en su sede de la ciudad de Xalapa, Veracruz, en la línea de Investigación de Sistemática de la Flora Vascular, en el Departamento de Biodiversidad y Sistemática.
Fortalecer a un grupo de Investigación dedicado a elaborar las revisiones taxonómicas de las diversas familias para la Flora de Veracruz. La línea tiene como objetivo revisar taxonómicamente las familias de la Flora de Veracruz, fortalecer los inventarios florísticos y las bases de datos y publicar los resultados a través de fascículos y artículos científicos.
Las funciones sustantivas serán:
Contribuir con revisiones taxonómicas de diversos grupos de plantas para la Flora de Veracruz.
Planear y ejecutar proyectos de investigación en Sistemática y Biodiversidad Vegetal en Veracruz y publicar los resultados.
Coordinar al personal bajo su responsabilidad y administrar los recursos materiales y financieros que le sean asignados.
Participar en la formación de recursos humanos mediante la docencia en los programas del posgrado del INECOL.
Obtener fondos para el financiamiento de sus proyectos de investigación.
Cumplir las disposiciones que señala el Estatuto del Personal Académico del INECOL.
31 de mayo del 2009
La vigencia de la plaza es por un año, extensible a dos.
Información completa (PDF) aquí >>>
21 de enero de 2009
Estancia postdoctoral en epigenetica vegetal, Mexico
- Cinvestav-Guanajuato (
- Irapuato, Guanajuato, México
The Chromatin and Epigenetics Lab of Dr. Raúl Alvarez (Department of Genetic Engineering at Cinvestav-Guanajuato) is seeking applications from highly motivated scientists for a postdoctoral position.
The successful applicant will conduct research on plant epigenetics, in the context of furthering understanding plant-pathogen interactions.
Applicants should have some experience in one or more of the following systems: miRNAs, epigenetics, microarrays, Y2HS, ChIP. Experience on plant molecular biology (Arabidopsis) would be an advantage.
Salary Details:
Postdoctoral salary (at standard rates) will be paid in mexican pesos (no relocation expenses).
Application Details:
Prospective applicants should send an e-mail (via the contact link below) outlining your research interest and motivations, including your C.V. (please list publications and experimental skills) contact details and e-mail addresses for 3 referees to:
Dr. Raul Alvarez Venegas
Profesor Investigador
Cinvestav Campus-Guanajuato
Departamento de Ingenieria Genetica
Km. 9.6 Libramiento Norte, Carretera Irapuato-Leon
C.P. 36821, Irapuato, Guanajuato, México
Tel. 52(462)6239678