Tercera Conferencia del Código de Barras de la Vida, Ciudad de México,
7-13 noviembre 2009
Estimados miembros de la comunidad biológica:
El Consorcio para el Código de Barras de la Vida y el Instituto de Biología de la UNAM están organizando la Tercera Conferencia Internacional para el Código de Barras de la Vida, la cual se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México entre el 7 y el 13 de noviembre próximos.
Los invitamos a conocer la información del evento en el siguiente enlace:
Patricia Escalante
Coordinadora del Comité Local de la Conferencia
Dra. Patricia Escalante
Instituto de Biología UNAM
Ap. Post. 70-153, 04510 México DF MEXICO
Tel. (01 5255) 5622 9161 / 9171, 9150
Fax (01 5255) 5550 0164
Dear Colleagues,
The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL; www.barcoding.si.edu) and the Instituto de Biologia of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) invite you to the Third International Barcode of Life Conference in Mexico City during the week of 7-12 November 2009. The main conference will be Tuesday-Thursday, 10-12 November at the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and there will be three days of pre-conference workshops and a post-conference public event at UNAM's Science Museum.
The conference website is now open at www.dnabarcodes2009.org and the online registration system will be opening next week. Calls for abstracts and applications for travel bursaries (only for participants from developing countries) will also be available through the website in the coming week.
If you would like to be placed on the distribution list to receive future notices about the conference, please send an email to message to inquiries.dnabarcodes2009@si.edu with "MAILING LIST" on the subject line. Please include your name and institutional affiliation in the body of your message.
We look forward to seeing you in Mexico City in November!
Best regards,
David E. Schindel, Executive Secretary
Consortium for the Barcode of Life
202/633-0812; fax 202/633-2938; portable 202/557-1149
CBOL WEBSITE: http://www.barcoding.si.edu
Mariana de Jesús
Instituto de Biología, UNAM
Barcode of Life/Código de Barras de la Vida
Tel. 56229150