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25 de marzo de 2009

6th WDA International Congress of Odonatology. México

6th WDA International Congress of Odonatology

Xalapa, Mexico 7-12 June 2009

The congress welcomes all scientific works concerning damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata)

Morphology, Physiology, Ecology,
Systematics, Biodiversity and Conservation
Posters - Oral Presentations - Invited Plenary Talks

Key important date

Registration and abstract submission deadline: 10 April, 2009


Rodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez
Instituto de Ecología A.C. Xalapa. Ver.
Phone: + 52 228 842 1800 ext. 3311
Fax: + 52 228 842 1800 ext. 4222

Enrique González-Soriano
Instituto de Biología, UNAM
Phone: + 52 555 622 9156
Fax: + 52 55 55500164

Alex Córdoba-Aguilar
Instituto de Ecología, UNAM

Meeting web site:

22 de marzo de 2009

Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Torino

The 12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology will be held in Torino, Italy, August 24 – 29, 2009.

The structure of the congress is similar to previous meetings, each day starting with a plenary keynote speaker, followed by parallel symposia. We have accepted 31 symposia. Other events will be the traditional John Maynard Smith lecture and the presidential address by the new president of ESEB, prof. Siv Andersson, Uppsala University.

The congress will cover the field of evolutionary biology in a wide sense, but with emphasis on processes and mechanisms of evolutionary phenomena.

Please visit this website continously for more information and updates.

Welcome !

21 de marzo de 2009

International Symposium on Islands and Evolution

International Symposium on Islands and Evolution
Fechas: 14-17 de septiembre de 2009
Menorca (Islas Baleares, España)

Sesiones científicas:
- Island Biogeography
- Phylogeography and molecular evolution in islands
- Evolutionary ecology in islands
- Late insular evolution

Primera circular (.doc)
Primera circular (.pdf)


Valentín Pérez-Mellado, Universidad de Salamanca (USAL)
M.M. Ramon, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)

15 de marzo de 2009

Botany 2009, Snowbird

The joint Annual Meeting of these leading scientific societies:
Mycological Society of America
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society - American Fern Society -American Society of Plant Taxonomists - Botanical Society of America

This year’s meeting offers a variety of informative and fun activities in one of the most beautiful areas of the world. It offers cost-effective options for housing.

Some of the highlights include:

17 field trip options, before, during, and after the meeting, ranging from short morning wildflower forays to full-day trips, focusing on a variety of topics from flowering plants to ferns to lichens to ecology to fungi to paleobotany.

12 half-day symposia conveniently spaced over mornings and afternoons on Monday to Wednesday, discussing plants to fungi, form and function, evolutionary topics using DNA sequence data to genomic approaches, and ecological topics.

Workshops from Saturday-Monday (most on Sunday) ranging from data analysis of molecular and ecological data, to conservation issues, to herbarium techniques, to plant identification, to information on virtual libraries, to educational topics.

Hundreds of individual talks and posters on every topic you can imagine.

Society business meetings and banquets and social events allowing you to catch up on what’s going on in your group and allowing you to make new colleagues and friends.

Special talks such as this year’s plenary speaker, noted ethnobotanist Nancy Turner who will speak on “Bringing the Food Back Home: Plants, Algae, Lichens and Fungi in the Food Traditions of Indigenous Cascadia.”

9 de marzo de 2009

Xth International Congress of Mammalogy (IMC-10), Mendoza, Argentina

Dear colleagues,mammalogists, friends:

On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is a great pleasure to invite you attend the Xth International Congress of Mammalogy (IMC-10) to be held in Mendoza, Argentina,9-14 August, 2009.

The Congress is hosted by the Center for Science & Technology (CONICET), the Institute for Aridlands Research, the Biodiversity Research Group ((IADIZA, GiB), and the Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos (SAREM).

This is the first time that the International Congress of Mammalogy will take place in South America. It is our deep and sincere desire to bring together the broadest diversity of studies and investigators. professionals and students in the field of mammalian biology. We wish to provide a forum for an stimulating exchange of ideas and promotion of integrative and collaborative research among the members of our scientific community. Morever, the IMC-10 constitute an extraordinary opportunity to promote and consolidate the growing number of South American mammal societies.

In the name of the Organizing Committee we look forward to seeing you in August 2009, and wish all of you an enjoyable stay in Mendoza and other places you might visit in Argentina and neighbour countries!

Ricardo A. Ojeda
Chair IMC-10
Organizing Committee
meeting website:

4 de marzo de 2009

SSB Evolution 2009, Idaho

Evolution 2009
June 12-16, 2009
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho, USA

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Idaho is delighted to host “Evolution 2009," the joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). The meeting will be held June 12-16, 2009, on the campus of the University of Idaho.

Contact information

For general inquiries, please contact Lead Coordinator Darrell Keim by e-mail, or phone 1 (208) 885-6488.

For registration inquiries, please contact Registration Coordinator Sharnay Brown by e-mail, or phone 1 (208) 885-6487.

19 de febrero de 2009

Smithsonian Botanical Symposium 2009

Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, Department of Botany:

'Genes, Genomics, and Genome Evolution in Plants'.

27-28 March 2009
Washington, DC
Presented by the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Department of Botany in collaboration with the United States Botanic Garden with support from the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Program and the Cuatrecasas Family Foundation.
Ever since Darwin, biologists have sought to understand how species evolve. The complexity and flexibility of the plant genome, as first revealed by Mendelian genetic methods, likely render plants especially able to adapt to changing environments. The new tools of genomics, initially driven by studies of model organisms, are now being applied across the diversity of plant life. Comparative studies have addressed the role of variation in genes, gene families and genomes in such processes as speciation, domestication and floral development. This Symposium, hosted by the Department of Botany, will highlight results of current studies on plant genes and genomes, especially as they apply to fundamental questions in evolutionary biology, crop improvement and ecosystem sustenance in rapidly changing environments worldwide."

Invited Speakers
  • Jeff Bennetzen, University of Georgia
  • Rob DeSalle, American Museum of Natural History
  • Bob Jansen, University of Texas
  • Susan McCouch, Cornell University
  • Jill Preston, University of Kansas
  • Gerry Tuskan, Oak Ridge National Lababoratory
  • Ken Wurdack, National Museum of Natural History
Information and registration at

26 de enero de 2009

Oak Conference, México

International Oak Society Conference,
October 20-22, 2009,
Puebla, Mexico

Dear members and oak lovers, we are delighted to announce that the Herbarium and Botanical Garden at Puebla University will be hosting the 6th triennial Conference.

The Conference will last 3 days during which there will be a wide variety of presentations and posters as well as cultural and outdoor activities. If you are thinking to present a paper or poster, please let me know.

Maricela Rodriguez-Coombes
Conference Chair

25 de enero de 2009

Hennig meeting 2009

Singapore Botanic Gardens
June 22-26, 2009

The meeting will be hosted by the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Botanic Gardens (National Parks Board).

Final deadline for pre-registration is April 22, 2009.
Walk-on Registration will be $250 (regular or student) or $300 for non-members.

Currently four symposia have been scheduled:

  • (1) Use of EST libraries for phylogeny reconstruction;
  • (2) Phylogenetic approaches to public and environmental health;
  • (3) Taxonomy in the 21st century: new tools and dissemination media;
  • (4) Southeast Asian biogeography and speciation.


Please contact Rudolf Meier (, Benito Tan (, or Ngan Kee Ng( for further information and/or if you are interested in proposing additional symposia.

Hennig meeting 2009 web site

Congreso Venezolano de Botánica

Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado"
Decanato de Agronomía.
Barquisimeto - Venezuela.
Del 17 al 22 de mayo de 2009


Congreso Colombiano de Botánica

ABRIL 19-24 DE 2009

A través del convenio de Naciones Unidas sobre diversidad Biológica, la Política Nacional de Biodiversidad y los talleres regionales sobre el estado actual de la Bioprospección en nuestro país, se identificó la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento, uso y conservación sostenible de los recursos genéticos.

En consecuencia, con el V Congreso de Botánica, se pretende brindar espacios de discusión y actualización sobre Biodiversidad, Sistemática y Bioprospección en Colombia.


Profesionales, Investigadores y estudiantes de Biología, Ecología, Ingeniería Agronómica, Ingeniería Forestal y áreas a fines con intereses en temáticas relacionadas con la Botánica, con especial énfasis en biodiversidad.

23 de enero de 2009

International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics

The Encyclopedia of Life and twelve other biodiversity research organizations are co-sponsoring e-Biosphere 09, an international conference that will take place in London on 1-3 June 2009.

Biodiversity Informatics is a young field that is making diverse classes of biodiversity data available online and putting these data to work for science and society. The Conference will highlight the accomplishments, capabilities and uses of Biodiversity Informatics and will gather community input for a 5-10 year research roadmap.

e-Biosphere 09 Conference Website

21 de enero de 2009

X Simposio Colombiano de Ictiología

Colombia: X Simposio Colombiano de Ictiología

La Asociación de Ictiólogos Colombianos ACICTIOS convoca a todos los ictiólogos nacionales e internacionales, a participar del próximo simposio de estudios en ictiología a realizarse en la ciudad de Medellín entre el 25 y 29 de mayo de 2009.

Esta será una oportunidad única para el encuentro de los investigadores, docentes y estudiantes provenientes de diferentes países americanos, que permitirá recoger y socializar los avances en el estudio de los peces tropicales, además de promocionar convenios de cooperación en investigación entre nuestros países.

La décima edición del tradicional encuentro de ictiólogos colombianos busca, desde cuatro temáticas fundamentales y dentro del contexto actual de afectación de los sistemas acuáticos, el brindar elementos importantes para el conocimiento de nuestros peces, sus prioridades de conservación y los posibles manejos. Es por esto que el Segundo Encuentro con ictiólogos venezolanos y el Primer Encuentro de Ictiólogos Suramericanos serán fundamentales para el afianzamiento de nuestras relaciones de cooperación y la participación de investigadores de países hermanos, potenciará futuros encuentros y acciones de investigación conjunta.

Esta versión del Simposio, ACICTIOS hace su homenaje al Dr. MIGUEL PETRERE Jr., uno de los ictiólogos más productivos, carismáticos y prolíficos en Suramérica, cuya semilla se encuentra dispersa en buena parte del continente americano.

La programación del simposio está dirigida a biólogos, ecólogos, ingenieros pesqueros y acuícolas, antropólogos, sociólogos, economistas e instituciones responsables por el manejo del recurso ictiológico, cuyo interés y quehacer diario se encamina al conocimiento, conservación y manejo de la ictiofauna. El evento contará con la participación de reconocidos investigadores en el área de los peces, quienes no solo ofrecerán conferencias magistrales sino también, dictarán cursos previos al simposio. Además se realizará la reunión bi-anual de los miembros de ACICTIOS y el encuentro de curadores de diferentes colecciones ictiológicas en Suramérica. Estamos seguros que este encuentro será una gran oportunidad para aprender un poco más sobre nuestros peces.

Mayores informes:

Systematics meeting of BioSyst EU 2009

10-14 August 2009
Leiden, The Netherlands

Currently, several symposia are being considered, dedicated a.o. to Microbial systematics, Flower morphology, Species circumscription and concepts. Workshops will be dedicated a.o. to Annonaceae, Web-based taxonomy, Bryophyte evolution. During or adjacent to the symposium, training sessions will be given for the EDIT Scratchpads (limited attendance)

We invite you to submit an abstract. Registration is open as well and please note that the early fee is applicable until June 30, 2009

See you in Leiden, Peter Hovenkamp

7 de enero de 2009

XXth International Seaweed Symposium, Mexico

Ensenada, BC, Mexico

February 2010

You are most cordially invited to the XXth International Seaweed Symposium to be held in Mexico.

The International Seaweed Symposium (ISS) is held every three years under the auspices of the International Seaweed Association (ISA). It is the foremost international meeting on seaweed research and utilization. Scientific research plays a fundamental role in developing seaweed products and industries. The ISS provides a forum for scientists, technologists, industry and resource managers to present their latest research results and develop new synergies.

Scientific Program

The Scientific Program includes plenary sessions, mini symposia, contributed oral or poster presentations, workshops, mid-symposium excursions and pre- and post-symposium tours. Several mini symposia and workshops are planned on topics such as:

1) Genetic engineering of seaweeds;
2) Seaweed cultivation techniques;
3) Marine hydrocolloids;
4) Bioactive compounds;
5) Where are we on systematic of algae;
6) Climate change in seaweeds;
7) Seaweeds for biofuels;
8) Artificial seaweed beds;
9) Seaweed extracts and their applications to higher plants;
10) Nutraceuticals/Cosmeceuticals;
11) Environmental services;
12) Seaweeds for food;
13) Management of natural commercial beds;
14) Implications of large scale cultivation;
15) Invasive species;
16) Kappa cultivation;
17) Seaweeds in integrated aquaculture;

If you would like to participate on any of these topics or propose a new one, please contact us at:

Fuente de la informacion:

1 de diciembre de 2008

Monocots without borders Monocotiledóneas sin fronteras

Monocots without borders. Monocotiledóneas sin fronteras
Jueves 11 de diciembre de 2008
Auditorio UNIRA, Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier Clavijero
Km 2.5 carretera antigua a Coatepec 351, Congregación El Haya, Xalapa, Ver.

8:30-9:00 Registro y bienvenida
9:00-9:25 Monocots and the AToL initiative (Assembling the Tree of Life). Dennis Stevenson. New York Botanical Garden.
9:30-9:55 Filogenia molecular y evolución estructural en Araceae. Lidia I. Cabrera y Gerardo
A. Salazar. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
10:00-10:25 Phylogeny of Cocoseae subtribe Attaleinae (Areceaceae) based on eight WRKY transcription factor loci. Alan Meerow. United States Department of Agriculture.
10:30-10:55 Filogenia de Myrmecophila (Orchidaceae). Germán Carnevali. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán.
11:00 Coffe break
11:30-11:55 Morphological convergence in Tigridieae (Iridaceae). Aarón Rodríguez. CUCBA, Universidad de Guadalajara
12:00-12:25 Relaciones filogenéticas en Agavaceae s.str., inferidas de ADN nuclear, cloroplasto
y morfología. Gerardo A. Salazar, Abisaí García y Eloy Solano. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
12:30-12:55 Phylogeny and biogeography of Allium. Chelsea Specht. University of California,
13:00 Lunch
14:30-14:55 The Milla clade (Themidaceae): Behria and Bessera circumscription. Etelvina Gándara and Victoria Sosa. Instituto de Ecología A. C.
15:00-15:25 Systematics and ecological reconstruction for Central American Aechmea (Bromeliaceae). Chodon Sass and Chelsea Specht. University of California, Berkeley.
15:30-15:55 Ecology, molecules and morphological variation in Otatea (Bambusoideae: Poaceae). How many species are there? Eduardo Ruiz-Sanchez and Victoria Sosa. Instituto de Ecología A. C.
16:00 Coffe break
16:30-16:55 Phylogeny of Muhlenbergia and relatives ( Chloridoideae: Poaceae). Travis Columbus. Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden.
17:00-17:25 Phylogeny and a new classification of the Panicoideae-Centothecoideae clade (Poaceae). Jorge Gabriel Sánchez-Ken. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
17:30-17:45 Una síntesis de las monocotiledóneas Mexicanas. Adolfo Espejo. Sociedad Botánica de México. Universidad y Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa.
17:45 Poster session

28 de noviembre de 2008

X Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica. CHILE

El X Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica
"Conservación y uso sustentable de la flora nativa latinoamericana"
se realizará en
la Ciudad de La Serena (Chile),
los días 4 al 10 de octubre de 2010.

Circulares Informativas / Convocatorias
1º Convocatoria Octubre 2008

12 de noviembre de 2008

VII International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology ICSEB VII "Extending the Darwinian Panorama"

From: victoria.sosa []
Sent: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 10:56:08 -0600

Invitamos a los investigadores y estudiantes a participar en el
VII International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology ICSEB VII
"Extending the Darwinian Panorama"
5-10 julio 2009
Dr. Victoria Sosa
Instituto de Ecología, A. C.
Apartado Postal 63
91000 Xalapa, Veracruz

(Mensajeria) (Street address)
Km. 2.5 antigua carretera a Coatepec #351
Congr. El Haya
91070 Xalapa, Veracruz

Tel. (52) 228 8421874; 8421800 ext. 3006 (of.) 3015 (lab)
Fax (52) 228 8187809

18 de septiembre de 2008

XXVII International Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society

The meeting is getting closer!

Some people asked about flights to Tucumán… and yes, it is a pain in the neck, as we the locals verify every time we have to attend a meeting anywhere else. This time it's your turn! One of the good offers to fly to Tucumán is with a new company, Andes Líneas Aereas, whose web page is at

We still don't have the final program (the deadline for reception of abstracts was extended, at the request of many people, and we are still receiving abstracts), but we do know some details…

The meeting will be starting in the morning of the 28th, at the Hotel Sol ( All the talks, and the banquet (night of the 30th) will be held at the Hotel Sol. The Hotel Sol is up in the hill, west of the city of San Miguel de Tucumán. We will try to be at the airport for incoming flights, but just in case you're on your own, you can tell the taxi driver to go to the "Hotel Sol, Cerro San Javier". See map below.

The only other venue is going to be the Instituto Lillo (adress: Miguel Lillo 205, it's near the "Abasto" –the neighborhood is known by that name because the "Abasto" market used to be there). We will have a reception there the day before the meeting (as usual for Hennig meetings), that is, the evening of the 27th, and begin with registrations. At the Instituto Lillo, registration will start from 5pm, the reception will start after 6:30pm, of Monday October 27th.

If you have not yet registered for the Hotel, you should. The hotel is a lovely place, and it is not expensive. It is not very big, so we may run out of rooms. They have been holding some rooms for us, but they won't hold them for much longer. Don't risk missing it! If no more rooms are available when you try to book, and you have to get a room down town (and the "down" here is quite literal), we will be providing transportation to the Hotel everyday, with a bus which will fit about 40 people. Otherwise, you can just take a taxi (from the center, it's about 20 dollars, so that splitting among three people should be rather cheap).

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