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20 de febrero de 2015

Graduate Student Research Grants for taxonomic work

The deadline for applications for ASPT Graduate Student Research Grants is March 6, 2015. 

Graduate student research grants support fieldwork, herbarium travel, and/or laboratory research in any area of plant systematics. Both master's and doctoral students are encouraged to apply.  Every year we present 10-15 of these awards to promising young scientists. Please go to the ASPT website or use this link to access the application instructions.

All completed application materials should be e-mailed to Melissa Luckow at by March 6, 2015. In order to be considered for an award, the  the student must be a member of ASPT before submitting the grant application!

18 de febrero de 2015

Taller de Reconstrucción Filogenética Molecular, Patzcuaro, México. 2015

Detalle del curso

Nombre del curso:
Taller de Reconstrucción Filogenética Molecular
Horario de clases:
Será impartido en Pátzcuaro de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 17:00 hrs.
Estudiantes mínimo:
$ 3000
Eduardo Ruíz Sánchez
Profesores invitados:
Los datos moleculares (secuencias de AND, nuclear, mitocondrial y cloroplasto), utilizados para los estudios de la sistemática filogenética molecular, son empleados todos los días para reconstruir la historia evolutiva de los linajes existentes y/o extintos de nuestro planeta, con la finalidad e inferir relaciones de parentesco (ancestría - descendencia), resolver problemas taxonómicos, realizar dataciones moleculares, reconstrucción de áreas ancestrales, biología comparada, estudios ecológicos con referencia en diversidades filogenéticas, filogeografía entre otros usos que se dan actualmente a la reconstrucción filogenética. Estos problemas se abordan con métodos de parsimonia, máxima verosimilitud e inferencia bayesiana. De ahí la importancia de que los estudiantes del posgrado del INECOL y de otros posgrados interesados en la reconstrucción filogenética molecular, aprendan a bajar las secuencias de la web (GenBank), editar, alinear secuencias y realizar reconstrucciones filogenéticas, dataciones moleculares, reconstrucción de áreas ancestrales y redes de parsimonia para trabajos filogeográficos, todo ello, solamente con caracteres moleculares del ADN.

5 de febrero de 2015

Two Postdoc Positions Available for computational phylogenetics and molecular evolution

Two postdoctoral researcher positions are available in the computational evolutionary biology lab of Jeremy M. Brown at Louisiana State University. Research in the Brown lab is broadly centered on the use of phylogenetic approaches to understand organismal history and molecular evolution.
Position 1 is part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation to develop and apply a suite of related statistical approaches for assessing the fit of stochastic models to sequence and trait data. The Brown lab is collaborating extensively on this project with the lab of Bob Thomson at the University of Hawaii – Manoa, as well as the developers of RevBayes and the authors of various R packages.
Position 2 is not tied to a specific project, but research connected to other areas of active inquiry in the Brown lab will be strongly preferred. These areas include the development of new techniques for extracting information from large collections of phylogenetic trees, the exploration of new models and priors for Bayesian phylogenetics, and the investigation of genome-wide phylogenetic and evolutionary patterns.


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