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12 de agosto de 2014

Cual es el programa mas viejo que todavia se usa?

Cual es el programa más viejo que todavía se usa?

La idea es recapitular cuales programas para reconstrucción filogenética (selección de arboles óptimos) usamos y entre éstos ordenarlos temporalmente.  Cual creen que sea? El uso incluye no solo los propósitos de investigación, sino también en la enseñanza.

Mi apuesta es PAUP. En algunos grupos de investigación todavía se usa para la selección de arboles bajo parsimonia y/o verosimilitud!

1 de julio de 2014

Modern Phylogenetic comparative methods. Conferencia Sevilla 2014.

Phylogenetic comparative methods are now widely used in very diverse fields of evolutionary biology to make robust inferences from interspecific data and phylogenies. Currently, we witness a rapid flourishing of the phylogenetic toolbox allowing researchers to tackle diverse questions concerning the evolution of species and their traits. The conference aims at providing a bouquet of overviews on the most recent developments by the most prominent experts of the comparative methodology, and also at attracting a wide range of contributions from different fields of evolutionary biology to demonstrate how the phylogenetic comparative approach can be used to address an ample array of biological questions in different taxa.

Joe Felsenstein
University of Washington, USA
Robert P. Freckleton
University of Sheffield, UK
Thomas F. Hansen
University of Oslo, Norway
Anthony R. Ives
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Emília Martins
Indiana University, USA
Charles L. Nunn
Duke University, USA
Emmanuel Paradis
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France

Más información en el sitio Web:

16 de junio de 2014

POY version 5: phylogenetic analysis using dynamic homologies under multiple optimality criteria

POY version 5: phylogenetic analysis using dynamic homologies under multiple optimality criteria
  1. Ward C. Wheeler*,
  2. Nicholas Lucaroni,
  3. Lin Hong,
  4. Louise M. Crowley and
  5. Andrés Varón
We present POY version 5, an open source program for the phylogenetic analysis of diverse data types including qualitative, aligned sequences, unaligned sequences, genomic data, and user-defined sequences. In addition to the maximum-parsimony optimality criterion supported by POY4, POY5 supports several types of maximum likelihood as well as posterior probability. To make these analyses feasible, new heuristic search algorithms and parallelization options have been implemented for all criteria.
 © The Willi Hennig Society 2014.
Article first published online: 13 JUN 2014
DOI: 10.1111/cla.12083

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