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22 de abril de 2009

Cladistics wars 2.0 | Archetype

Cladistics wars 2.0 | Archetype
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 | Cladistics, Education, Metablogging, Science
Autor: Roberto Keller

There is a skirmish going on at Dechronization blog right now. This is a coauthored blog about phylogenetics. I like this blog (its right there on my blogroll —->). There are surprisingly very few blogs about phylogenetic methods these days, despite the wide use that phylogenies currently have in evolutionary biology and beyond (e.g., linguistics). I will complain that, for nine authors, they post little, sometimes not a single post during a month.

The hot post in question is a mocking of an announcement about a (to be honest, very successful) workshop in phylogenetic methods cosponsored by the Willi Hennig Society and so far held in different continents.


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"Archetype, Ant reconstruction one homology at a time"

blog por Roberto Keller

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