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13 de mayo de 2009

Population substructure of Mexican Mestizos : Gene Expression

Population substructure of Mexican Mestizos : Gene Expression

Category: Genetics
Posted on: May 12, 2009 9:01 AM, by Razib

Analysis of genomic diversity in Mexican Mestizo populations to develop genomic medicine in Mexico

The basic issue here is that "Latino" or "Hispanic" is not a race in a genetic sense. There are Latinos of white, black and Amerindian origin, and every permutation of these three kinds. Population substructure is important for medical reasons because correlations between genetic variants & diseases might actually simply be due to the common relationship of these variants & diseases to a particular population. This is why research which shows how Ashkenazi Jews relate to other American whites is medically important; what might be typical of gentile whites might not be typical of Ashkenazi Jews (who have a history of population specific diseases).


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