First Circular
21 – 27 February 2011
The Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum at the Freie Universität Berlin (BGBM) and the Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (MfN), are pleased to be the host institutions for the 7th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB VII), 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, GfBS), and 20th International Symposium “Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology” of the German Botanical Society (DBG).
The scope of this joint congress is to bring together evolutionary biologists and systematists working on plant, animal, and microscopical organisms to discuss and debate topics of common interest. The focus will be on innovative and forward-looking ideas, concepts, and methods in systematic and evolutionary biology. It will also provide a unique opportunity to highlight topics of biodiversity. We hope to attract many researchers from different fields to this congress and look forward to welcoming you in Berlin in February 2011.
The congress will be held at the Seminaris Science & Conference Center conveniently located in
Berlin-Dahlem, on the campus of the Freie Universität Berlin.
The congress will open with a plenary lecture on Paradigm Shifts in Systematics and Evolution.
Further plenary talks will be on the following five major conference topics:
• Trends in Taxonomy
• Evolution and Organisms in Time and Space
• The Evolutionary Thought: History, Philosophy and Society
• Evolution of Form and Function
• Inventorying and Managing Biodiversity
An evening lecture on Alexander von Humboldt’s scientific work on tropical biodiversity will be
Call for Symposia
Proposals for symposia are currently being invited. For submitting a proposal, please contact the
congress office at Proposals corresponding to the five major conference
topics are especially encouraged, but all relevant topics will be considered by the organizers.
The deadline for submission of symposia proposals is 31 May 2010.
Contributed Papers and Call for Abstracts
The contribution of papers for oral or poster presentations are encouraged. All participants
interested in presenting a scientific contribution are kindly requested to submit a one-page
abstract in English to the congress office together with their registration.
Abstract submission and registration start 1 July 2010, deadline for abstracts and early registration is 30 September 2010.
Workshops and Satellite Meetings
Pre- and post-congress workshops are planned on different topics and will be announced in the
second circular. Organizers of additional workshops and satellite meetings are welcome. Please
contact the congress office at
Deadline for workshop proposals is 31 May 2010.
Time Schedule and Deadlines
31 May 2010 Call for workshops & symposia closes
1 July 2010 Abstract submission and online registration opens
30 September 2010 Deadline for submission of abstracts and early registration
21 – 27 February 2011 Congress
For individual pre-registration please contact the congress office. Your coordinates will be added
to our mailing-list.
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Thomas Borsch (IOSEB President, BGBM)
Dr. Regine Jahn (GfBS President, IOSEB Secretary General, BGBM)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Albach (Section ‘Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology’ of DBG, Speaker)
Dr. Peter Giere (GfBS Council, MfN)
Prof. Dr. Werner Greuter (IOSEB Council, BGBM)
Dr. Christoph Häuser (MfN)
Jana Hoffmann (GfBS Council, MfN)
Dr. Cornelia Löhne (BGBM)
Dr. Diana Mutz (Dahlem Centre of Plant Sciences, DCPS)
Dr. Michael Ohl (GfBS Secretary General, MfN)
Congress Office and Contact
Birgit Nordt,
Mailing address:
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ++49/30/838 50 383, Fax: ++ 49/30/841 729 52
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