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12 de agosto de 2010

Murio D. Hull, uno de los primeros filósofos que contribuyó al cladismo

Hoy se ha distribuido la noticia que David Hull ha muerto.
Les recomiendo dos notas en el blog Evolving thoughts, al respecto.

David Hull is dead

My mentor, hero and hull_web.jpgI hope friend, David Lee Hull died this morning, at the age of 74, according to Jay Odenbaugh.

If not for the fact that David marked my masters thesis and remarked that he hoped to see some of it published, I would never have considered myself competent enough to publish, and hence would never have ended up an academic (at the tender age of 48).

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David Hull’s philosophy

David Hull was one of the first graduates from the University of Indiana’s HPS program. During that program he attended a seminar with Karl Popper in the course of which he wrote a paper on essentialism in biology. Popper took it upon himself to send this, without telling Hull, to the BJPS, and the first David knew of it was when the proofs arrived. He hurriedly rewrote it (in ways Popper would not have approved, but Popper never read the final version, apparently) and it became the most cited paper of its time in the philosophy of biology.

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