3 de diciembre de 2010

Applications open for the WHS phylogenetics workshop in Xalapa, 2011

INECOL, XalapaWilli Hennig Society
Announcement # 2:

Applications are now open for the WHS Twelfth International workshop in Phylogenetic Methods to be held in Xalapa (México) on May 23-27, 2011. This one week course is sponsored by the Graduate Program, INECOL and The Willi Hennig Society.

Students, researchers, and professors interested or working with or about phylogeny and systematics are invited to submit applications for admission. The workshop is open to any student/professional based in México or Internationally.

The workshop will be limited to 25 participants. Complete applications will be evaluated competitively by an ad hoc committee.

Registration will be open only for accepted participants. Registration fee for the workshop is: Students US$300, professionals US$400. Fellowships will be offered by the WHS on a competitive basis to cover registration fee.

An application consists of
  1. A completed "Application form",
  2. a current CV for the applicant, and (if the case),
  3. a letter from the student’s advisor regarding the relevance of the course to the student’s career goals.
Visit this web page for further instructions and for downloading the "Application form".

Please note that all applications for admission must be received by Friday March 4, 2011.

We look forward to receiving your application.

For more information on the course content, registration cost, fellowships, accommodations in Xalapa, travel advice, etc, please visit the web site for the workshop:

Help us to distribute this announcement by printing and posting a one page pamphlet (PDF) in your institution.

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