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22 de marzo de 2023

Curso online en directo: Modelling and Analysing Multivariate Traits Evolution using mvMORPH, del 15 al 26 de mayo, 2023.

Ya está abierta la inscripción para el curso de Transmitting Science “Modelling and Analysing Multivariate Traits Evolution using mvMORPH”- 3ª edición. Max 16 participantes.


Fechas y horario: Online live sessions on May 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, and 26th; 14:00 to 16:30 and 17:00 to 19:00 (zona horaria de Madrid).


Profesor: Dr. Julien Clavel (NNRS, France).


Idioma: Inglés.


Resumen del curso (en inglés, que es el idioma en el que se impartirá el curso):

In this workshop students will be introduced to multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods with the mvMORPH R package.

The mvMORPH package contains tools for modelling the evolution of correlated continuous traits (e.g. morphometric measurement, geometric morphometric datasets, life history traits, gene expression data, etc.) on phylogenetic trees [ with either fossil species, extant species or both] as well as statistical tools such as multivariate generalized least squares (GLS) linear models -e.g. multivariate regression, MANOVA, MANCOVA – for studying comparative datasets.

In this course, students will be first introduced to some theory with illustrative examples (both from simulated data as well as students’ own datasets) and will learn how to interpret the models, their parameters, as well as how to assess their reliability.

Para más información piodéis chequear la página web del curso: o escribir a

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